Acupuncture Services
Traditional Acupuncture
Traditional Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine which involves inserting needles in acupuncture points of the body by a variety of techniques. All human body has twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians. There are patterns of energy flow of qi (CHI) through the body and any disruption of the flow is the cause of pain and disease. Inserting and manipulating needles at the acupuncture points will balance and correct the flow.
Needle-Free Hand Acupuncture
According to the Korean Hand Therapy (KHT), there are also twelve regular meridians and two extra meridians on two hands, which are related to the corresponding meridians in the body. By gentle stimulation of 403 micro-acupuncture points on hands, all functions of the internal organs and tissues in our body can be controlled in order to prevent, manage and treat a wide range of medical conditions. KHT is one of the most effective micro-acupuncture systems that can apply almost all types of traditional body acupuncture techniques.
Of course, we may use needles to puncture the points on our hands. However, we may also use medical tapes to stick certain types of bean on the KHT acupuncture points on our hands instead of using needles for punctuation.
Needle-Free Laser Acupuncture
A low level laser therapy “Laser Pen” can be used as an alternative treatment of acupuncture, which is needle-free and pain-free. The “Laser Pen” may be used as a single approach or in combination with acupuncture needles for enhancement of acupuncture treatment.
The Low Level Laser Therapy can provide an efficient and safe treatment. By using different frequency of laser light, an experienced acupuncturist may relieve or stop pain, regulate our internal organs and emotion, and enhance our body’s immunity. Taking a laser pen acupuncture treatment is an relaxing and balancing experience for both kids and adults.
In order to protect the eyes of our clients or patients, we will follow strict safety procedure.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Cosmetic acupuncture is a non-invasive treatment that involves using acupuncture to improve skin and fight the aging process. Cosmetic acupuncture can help reduce wrinkles, diminish fine lines, remove age spots, and lift droopy eyelids.
Different from facial rejuvenation using other cosmetic procedures such as Botox, facial rejuvenation using acupuncture treats the underlying causes of skin issues and effectively slows the aging process from within. Cosmetic acupuncture restores blood flow and helps to increase collagen production at recognized and carefully selected points, the result is a tightening of the overall appearance of the skin.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers an extremely valuable, rich, lengthy, and extensive herbal treatment history. Within it are thousands of years of development and research which we benefit from greatly today. As opposed to some forms of herbalism and western medicine, Chinese herbs are often used in formulas instead of being used singularly in larger amounts. Formulas allow you to blend herbs to enhance their positive effects and reduce or eliminate any negative side effects they may have. These formulas take years and years of practice to master and many are kept within families and or generations of teacher-student transmissions. This rich tradition is a very valuable gift from previous generations.