Acupuncture Services
Traditional Acupuncture
Traditional Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine which involves inserting needles in acupuncture points of the body by a variety of techniques. All human body has twelve regular meridians and eight extra meridians. There are patterns of energy flow of qi (CHI) through the body and any disruption of the flow is the cause of pain and disease. Inserting and manipulating needles at the acupuncture points will balance and correct the flow.
Hand Patch Therapy (Needle-Free Acupuncture)
In addition to twenty regular meridians on human body, there are also micro-meridians on two hands, which are related to the corresponding meridians in the body. Hand patch therapy is to stimulate acupuncture points along micro-meridians on hands with certain types of beans and seeds. With hand patch therapy, all functions of the internal organs and tissues in our body can be controlled in order to prevent, manage and treat a wide range of medical conditions. Hand patch therapy is one of the latest and most effective needle-free acupuncture treatments that can treat a lot of medical conditions, such as various types of pain such as headache, migraines, neck pain, shoulder pain, sciatic pain, knee pain, ankle pain, stomach pain, and abdominal pain, internal conditions such as common colds, sore throat, diarrhea, constipation, poor sleep, depression and anxiety, skin conditions such as rashes and acnes, gynecological conditions such period cramps, irregular menstruation.
Needle-Free Laser Acupuncture
A low level laser therapy “Laser Pen” can be used as an alternative treatment of acupuncture, which is needle-free and pain-free. The “Laser Pen” may be used as a single approach or in combination with acupuncture needles for enhancement of acupuncture treatment.
The Low Level Laser Therapy can provide an efficient and safe treatment. By using different frequency of laser light, an experienced acupuncturist may relieve or stop pain, regulate our internal organs and emotion, and enhance our body’s immunity. Taking a laser pen acupuncture treatment is an relaxing and balancing experience for both kids and adults.
In order to protect the eyes of our clients or patients, we will follow strict safety procedure.
- $73 / 45 minutes
- $89 / 60 minutes
- $130 / 90 minutes
- $160 / 120 minutes
- * No HST charged